Sophia McLean is a Scottish actor and whisky matchmaker based between Scotland, London and anywhere posessing tacos.

Hailing from Speyside, it felt like it was only a matter of time before whisky would swingball back into my life in adulthood. Through 6 years of living in London, I noticed how the attitude towards whisky could be adverse or at loggerheads to how I knew it to be at home. Where I grew up it was very much a case “If you like it, you like it, if you don’t, you don’t!” No biggie! It doesn’t make a person superior, or inferior. There are no such thing as ‘novices’ or ‘connoisseurs’ - only drinkers. And there’s so much to get out of the world of whisky! Whether it’s exploring taste, social history, retelling old stories or creating memories that become great future stories. It’s not a status symbol, or a tool to gatekeep and keep others small. It’s wholly yours, if you wish it to be. To discover, experiment with, and most importantly enjoy! So, I was set forth on a mission to widely share whisky with as many folk as possible!

I studied with Edinburgh Whisky Academy, Wine and Spirits Education Trust and Institute of Brewing and Distilling. Soon, Sherry wines began to creep into the mix. Sometimes tarred with the same brush as whisky for being for a certain stereotype of person, I was set alight again to myth-bust and share with folk it’s not just ‘Yer Grannie’s Sherry’ that exits the cupboard for festivities once a year, but a gorgeous spectrum of flavours to be supped by everyone. First studying with Aula del Jerez, I am also a Certified Sherry Wines Specialist (CSWS® - Highest Honors) training with Lustau and Wine Scholar Guild.

I’ve been leading events for the past 9 years from Michelin Star restaurants across London; Aberdeen Whisky Shop’s tasting room; to wee pubs, large castles and the great outdoors.

So, what can I do for you?

I specialise in Scotch Whisky and Sherry Wines (Vinos de Jerez) with an emphasis on accessibility, and spotlighting independent bottlers and small-batch producers.

  • Creation, curation and leading themed tasting experiences for 1 - 500+ people (the options are endless!)

  • Education and training

  • Brand communication (I cadge a 6am flight to a whisky show with roller-banners, so you don’t have to!)

  • Hosting, MC’ing and presenting / yapping into a microphone

Drop me a line through this form, and together we can create some malty magic!